Have you ever noticed how two people can look at the same situation and see completely different things? It’s like standing on opposite ends of a beach, watching the same waves but feeling something entirely different. Life has a way of giving us multiple truths in every moment, and where we place our focus can deeply impact how we feel.
Take a messy house, for example. You could see it as a burden, an overwhelming mess that’s mocking your to-do list, reminding you of everything you haven’t done. Or… you could see it as a sign of abundance—a home filled with life, with people you love, with experiences. The mess can be frustrating, sure, but it also whispers of the blessings in our lives.
Or think about our children. They may be running around, bursting with energy, pushing every limit and testing your patience. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the chaos, wishing for a quiet moment of peace. But that same wild energy is a reflection of their health, their joy, their eagerness to explore the world. Focusing on their vibrancy and growth shifts how we experience those hectic moments.
Then there’s our relationships—be it with parents, partners, or friends. We all have complicated dynamics, and it’s easy to focus on what’s challenging: the disagreements, the emotional gaps, the ways we feel misunderstood. But even in those relationships, there’s often love, history, and small gifts of connection if we look for them. And when those relationships fall short, we can turn inward to the love we receive from ourselves, from our spirit, from the world around us.
The truth is, life is full of dualities. We can be grateful and frustrated. We can feel blessed and burdened. We can love someone and struggle with them. Our power lies in choosing where we place our attention.
Shifting Focus: A Few Simple Steps
1. Notice Your Reaction.
When you’re feeling overwhelmed by a situation, pause. Ask yourself: What am I focusing on right now? Is this the only truth of the moment, or is there another way to look at it?
2. Acknowledge the Full Spectrum.
Allow yourself to feel whatever comes up—frustration, annoyance, stress. But then, gently ask: What else is true here? What positive aspect can I acknowledge, even if it feels small?
3. Practice Gratitude.
Each day, write down three things you’re grateful for in your current situation. It could be as simple as the warm sunlight streaming through your window, the laughter of a loved one, or the strength you showed in a difficult conversation.
Mindful Practice: Affirmation Meditation
Find a quiet space, sit comfortably, and close your eyes. Take a deep breath in, and slowly release it. Let your body relax into this moment. Now, take a few minutes to repeat the following affirmations to yourself. You can say them silently or aloud, whichever feels right:
• I am open to seeing all sides of the truth.
• I choose to focus on abundance and love.
• Even in difficult moments, there are blessings.
• I allow myself to feel both the struggle and the joy.
• I trust in my ability to hold space for multiple truths.
As you repeat these affirmations, notice any sensations in your body. Do you feel lighter? More grounded? Breathe into that feeling, allowing the different truths of your life to coexist with grace.
When you’re ready, take one last deep breath, and gently open your eyes.
Life is a blend of light and shadow, and every moment offers us a choice. We can focus on the mess, the chaos, the tension—or we can look for the blessings hidden in plain sight. It’s not always easy, but with practice, we can learn to hold space for all truths, big and small, and find peace in knowing that they can coexist.
Let this moment be a reminder: You have the power to shift your focus, and in doing so, you can transform your experience of life.
Welcome home to all of you.
